
Eli | 15 Months

My precious baby is 15 months old! 
I cannot believe that 1. he can possibly be that old and 2. it's been 2 months since we lost my mom. Here is a little update on baby E! 

He is off!
 Eli has the sweetest personality mixed with a bit of a strong will + fiestiness! Eli loves to give his momma lots of tight neck squeezes, leg hugs and wet kisses! He makes the "muah" sound when we ask for a kiss! He is beginning to be shy and either hides behind my legs or lays his head on my chest when he's feeling shy!
He's my cuddle bear, we snuggle all night 
He is associating words with meanings and knows 'orse' for horse {and can I mention that there are an alarming amount of horses all around that I never noticed until Eli pointed them all out...}, cow and will moo on occasion, bird, flower and will say shhhhh for sheep. We are still working on Pig because he seems to think it really looks like a dog! haha! Eli also says balloon, good job, hot, and a ton of other words!

Other than animals his favorite things are trucks and balls. He pushes his trucks around the house and makes a truck sound!

Kicking the ball 
He is my little climber! 

He is certainly becoming more independent and want to hold his own milk

He is a good little eater!
I work hard on his toddler meals! We eat very 'whole', no GMO's, all farm raised, cage free, grass fed, no nitrates, all organic... you know- the works. Yet, we still love chick-fil-a and he has been getting a whole lot of cake pops lately!
Like Julia child says," Everything in moderation, including moderation."

Peaches + Green beans are his favorite   

He loves to dance! His favorite song is "Hot Diggity Dog" on Mickey Mouse! 

Eddie Coker concert 

We were serenaded at the Eddie Coker concert but the picture of  Baby E has mysteriously disappeared! 
He is so funny! 
Where's Eli?  
He likes to 'Kersplat' on the floor and laughs! 
He loves his Little Blue Car - especially the wheelies! 

He has grown a lot lately and actually jumped up on the percentage scale significantly... We're  just happy to finally be ON it! 

And he is finally fully weaned. I let him self wean and about 3 weeks ago he called it quits! 
I'll write an entire blog on our breastfeeding journey (let me tell you it was quite the journey!!) 

Paci Hoarder

Eli is absolutely precious and is my pride and joy! 
He makes life a fun adventure. 
He is full of energy and I'm told all the time he is 'busy'. 


Top New Stylist

This morning I opened up the weekly e-mail from my new company Keaton Row to find out I am the Top New Stylist! 
I certainly didn't expect that! 
As some of you may know I worked really hard to get into the Fashion Industry. 
I worked hours upon hours for free just to get a taste of what it is all about. 
At the beginning of my career it seemed to be a lot of struggle and strife. 
I was attempting to do it all on my own. 
Then I got pregnant with baby E. 
I felt like my career was over. 
I prayed, God, if you want me here, like I feel you do, show me Your way. 
I laid it at His feet. 
This is when it became easy. 
Jobs found me. 
After my mom passed away I began to pray again. 
Lord, give me something positive to focus on. 
That's when Keaton Row found me. 
I'm learning when I quit trying to carry it all on my own, God shows me His way. 
And His way is certainly above my way. 
So God, humbly, I thank you. 
Let this small success be a reflection of how great, You alone are. 

For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts. -Isaiah 55:9


Lately, I'm craving all things pink + ultra feminine! 

The other night I met a friend at a business meeting/social and Kendra Scott was set up selling for a discount. I had never bought anything from her line but the color was so pretty I couldn't resist. I did opt for the smaller pair as I was worried the larger ones would be too heavy! 
I've had this Essie Polish for 2 years now but it's such a great summer staple and it has lasted the test of time! 
Recently decided I needed more than 1 shade of Pink for my lips and while I was in CVS  I noticed this little baby was on sale! Score! The color is so rich + I love matte lips! 
Now this perfume is my absolute favorite. Me, my best friend Olivia, and every woman over the age of 75 go wild for this scent! It's a bit pricey so I save it for special occasions (I know, I know... I'm a cheapskate) But if I use it little by little I feel like I'm getting my money's worth! Lol! 
Hope you find some pinkspiration for the week! 

Earrings: Kendra Scott 
Nail Polish:  Essie -Off the Shoulder

Fall Shoe Crush

There is something exciting about preparing for an upcoming season! 
{esp Fall + Winter as they are my fav!}
Here are my pick's for the Top Fall Shoes! 

I'd love to hear your favorite Fall Shoe Trends!! 


Tunes: Love and The Outcome

This is the jammmmm!

Check check check it out!

You are bigger than any battle I'm facing//

You are better than anything I've been chasing//

Savior and Royalty the only hope for me//

Jesus, you are the King of my Heart!