
Summer Wraps

My love affair with oversized, flowy wraps began over 3 years ago when one of my absolute favorite line's that I ever repped, Tart Collections, came out with the Tama Wrap. 

I bought this wrap in 2 colors, bought one for my mom, some for friends, and my aunt. 
I wore it so much I started to fear friends didn't believe I owned anything other than those 2 wraps. Luckily, I have now invested in a few different shapes, sizes, and colors.
 {See friends, I own more than 2 outfits....}

Cheers a summer of wearing clothes that feel like pajamas! 


Affordable Spring Shopping

I follow one of my favorite fashion website's on Facebook, Refinery 29
As E was taking an early morning nap {we had quite a rough night} I came across their post for 'Affordable Spring Shopping'. Typically when I read posts like this they leave me thinking, you call this BUDGET shopping?! We must have drastically different budget's....
I was refreshingly incorrect. 

It was sold out in my size by the time I tried to buy it. 
I guess I will keep searching for the perfect outfit for my best friends impending Engagement Party. 

The Zoe Report is ba-na-na's

As I opened my email from The Zoe Report today, I was pumped to see Rach (what? we're old friends) had written about her "Baby Obsessions". As I scrolled through her 'drool worthy' list I realized Eli has HALF of the items listed (Rach and I must be on the same brainwave- lol- a girl can dream, right?) 

I love all the items she picked. And if you forgot to get E a b-day gift feel free to pick up that chambray babble for him ;) 


Eli is One

Well, he's ONE. Before having kids I would see moms post all the time saying things like "I wish I could slow down time." and I would be sitting in my office, with no windows, thinking, hmmm, I wish I could speed it up, today is going so slow! Then I had E. And someone pushed the fast forward button. I wanted to pause time. I wanted to soak it all in. That was the most accelerated year of my life. He grew up into my big {well, not so big....} one year old. Let me give you a glimpse into his heart. Elliott Cash has a light about him. He spreads contagious joy wherever he goes. His smile lights up every room. He looks people straight in the eyes and pays attention to every detail. He communicates in caveman grunts. He is the most determined little one I have ever known (and in this aspect reminds me so much of my dad). He is small and extremely athletic. He is a momma's boy but absolutely loves his daddy too. He's happiest outside and his best friend is our dog Mack. He likes to be touching me or his daddy 20 hours a day. He has one hand on us most the time. He's learning independence but always checks that we watching him a he explores.

Here are the typical one year stats moms like to document:
Weight: 18 pounds (2%)
Height: 28 in (8%)
Head: (46%)
Favorite foods: Quiche florentine, smoothies, green beans, salmon, blueberries, avocado
Words: Mama, Dada, Bye-Bye (while waving), ball, snack 'nack', Mack, dog, Baba (my dad), hey, hi, ya, and his favorite NONONONO
Songs: Oh yeah, oh yeah (he sings yaaayaaayaaa) and Nah nah nah nah- nah nah nah nah- hey hey hey- good bye (nahhhh heyyyyy byeeeee)
He is taking steps (about 5 in a row),  can point and attempt to say all the animals from his kindermusik booklet when asked, still nurses 3 to 5 times a day, loves turning the pages as we read books, sings in the car to the music, can hold certain tones, uses the sign more while eating, claps his hands when he's proud of himself, can demolish a room in seconds flat and loves to pull everything off the shelfs, loves hinges (opening and closing doors, turning on and off lights, ect), gives the sweetest opened mouth kisses, give high 5's, and so much more.

Eli, you are truly the light of the world. You will change so many lives for the kingdom of God. I am proud of you always. The words I love you don't seem sufficient but they will do.


Spring 2014 Top Trend

My style is an interesting juxtaposition between un-done,
 effortless (literally, I have a baby), boho and uber femme. 
I honestly cannot stand getting ready, so I try to limit the whole make up thing to a few times a week. 
In the same breath, those few times I week, I enjoy to go all out and have fun with my girly side. 
This trend has been one of my favorites for a few years

The full skirt:

The far left Tracy Reese if my fav.